Tutto ciò che non trovate sopra. Quello che non trattiamo su, lo trattiamo qua. Di tutto un po' insomma...

Moderatore: Bucanieri Dei Caraibi

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Messaggi: 658
Iscritto il: 30 mar 2015, 15:36


Messaggio da Daniele82 »

Ted Williams


Ted Williams was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York City. He served three years in the United States Army, was honorably discharged, and attended school for voice acting. His inspiration to become a radio announcer came from a field trip in 1971 at age fourteen, when he found that a radio announcer, whom he had heard, looked nothing like he had imagined. Williams later worked overnight shifts for WVKO in Columbus when the station played soul music.

According to Williams, his life started falling apart in 1986 with a combination of drug and alcohol abuse plus a loss of interest in his career. In 1994, he was evicted from his house. During this period, Williams was arrested at least seven times on charges including theft, drug possession, escape, and robbery. He was also issued misdemeanor citations for drug abuse, criminal trespassing, and pedestrian solicitation.These resulted in two jail sentences, with Williams serving three months in 1990 for theft and nearly two months in 2004 for theft, forgery and obstructing official business.
He is a father of nine children: two boys and seven girls.

Recognition and response

Doral Chenoweth, a videographer for the Columbus Dispatch in Columbus, Ohio, recorded an interview with Williams, and posted the interview on the newspaper's website on January 3, 2011. Recorded during a period when Williams was homeless, Williams was shown standing next to traffic, holding a cardboard sign with a handwritten advertisement of his voice and a request for donations. In the recording, Chenoweth asked Williams to demonstrate his voice. The video showed a disheveled Williams gratefully receiving a donation and improvising an accomplished radio station promo. The video concluded with a short interview where Williams elaborated on his education and the problems that led to his homelessness.The video was reposted to YouTube where it received significant attention. At the same time, Williams' story garnered attention on social news websites with users pledging money, clothes, and job offers.

On January 5, 2011, Williams appeared on local radio programs and was interviewed by The Early Show on CBS. He was interviewed on Today, January 6, doing the lead-in voice over, revealing that he was to have an interview to do voice overs for Kraft Foods. On January 10, a fundraiser website, TedWilliamsYourVoice, was set up to support Williams.
Creativity and spirituality have a strong energy to create and share love and transmit Passion to others.


Director / Short Film
I create themes not yet covered so as to explore and reinterpret the creative message.

Video Game Developer / Retro Games
The Pixel art is creativity and does not belong to the past but exists and will exist forever.
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Federico M.
Tagliagole dei Sargassi
Tagliagole dei Sargassi
Messaggi: 591
Iscritto il: 16 apr 2015, 15:27


Messaggio da Federico M. »

Nove figli! Spero che dopo il 2011 le cose abbiano realmente cominciato ad andargli meglio.
Barone dei Caraibi
Barone dei Caraibi
Messaggi: 2551
Iscritto il: 19 gen 2014, 17:54


Messaggio da utdefault »

Spostamento da La Sentinella all'area di Piazza del Pirata

E dove ci assomiglierebbe, Daniele? Il resto sembra più un excursus notiziario.
Per avere tanta prole, è certo che non gli piaceva né guardare la tv né giocare ai videogiochi! :036:

Chissà che invece Giocherellone non sappia di somiglianze cinematografiche da poter narrare nel suo topic impazzito...! :150:
Tagliagole dei Sargassi
Tagliagole dei Sargassi
Messaggi: 1541
Iscritto il: 15 nov 2010, 9:58


Messaggio da Giocherellone »

Ehilà buontemponi! :040:
utdefault ha scritto:Chissà che invece Giocherellone non sappia di somiglianze cinematografiche da poter narrare nel suo topic impazzito...! :150:
Ma come? Non lo sapete già? :034:

Anni fa, in qualche forum italiano (a memoria direi il MI-Forum) si era ipotizzato che, in caso si realizzasse un film su Monkey Island, la parte di Stan INEQUIVOCABILMENTE doveva essere di Jim Carrey! :044:

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Messaggi: 658
Iscritto il: 30 mar 2015, 15:36


Messaggio da Daniele82 »

utdefault ha scritto: 25 ago 2021, 18:15E dove ci assomiglierebbe, Daniele?
Il volto e la voce... identico! ;D

Giocherellone ha scritto: 26 ago 2021, 10:05Anni fa, in qualche forum italiano (a memoria direi il MI-Forum) si era ipotizzato che, in caso si realizzasse un film su Monkey Island, la parte di Stan INEQUIVOCABILMENTE doveva essere di Jim Carrey! :044:
Potrebbe muoversi come lui... ma il volto non è il suo.. ;D
Creativity and spirituality have a strong energy to create and share love and transmit Passion to others.


Director / Short Film
I create themes not yet covered so as to explore and reinterpret the creative message.

Video Game Developer / Retro Games
The Pixel art is creativity and does not belong to the past but exists and will exist forever.